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Agatha Raisin and the Witches' Tree

Beaton:Agatha Raisin and the Witches' T
Autor: M. C. Beaton
Verfügbarkeit: nur noch 3 lieferbar
Veröffentlicht am: 12.04.2018
Artikelnummer: 2234231
ISBN / EAN: 9781472117366

Verfügbarkeit: sofort lieferbar

11,70 €
Inkl. MwSt. , zzgl. Versandkosten


Next in the bestselling Agatha Raisin murder mystery series
Praise for M. C. Beaton

'Agatha is like Miss Marple with a drinking problem, a pack-a-day habit and major man lust. In fact, I think she could be living my dream life' Entertainment Weekly

'The detective novels of M. C. Beaton, a master of outrageous black comedy, have reached cult status' The Times

Toil and trouble in store for Agatha!

Cotswolds inhabitants are used to bad weather, but the night sky is especially foggy as Rory and Molly Harris, the new vicar and his wife, drive slowly home from a dinner party in their village of Sumpton Harcourt. They struggle to see the road ahead - but then screech to a halt. Right in front of them, aglow in the headlights of their car, a body hangs from a lightning-blasted tree at the edge of town. But it's not suicide; Margaret Darby, an elderly spinster of the parish, has been murdered - and the villagers are bewildered as to who would commit such a crime, and why.

Agatha Raisin rises to the occasion, delighted to have some excitement back in her life as, if truth be told, she was getting bored of the long run of lost cats and divorces on the books. But Sumpton Harcourt is an isolated and unfriendly village, she finds a place that poses more questions than answers. And when two more murders follow the first, Agatha begins to fear for her reputation - and her life. That the village has its own coven of witches certainly doesn't make her feel any better...


Autor Verlag Little, Brown Book Group
ISBN / EAN 9781472117366 Bindung Taschenbuch

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