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Johnny Cash And The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra

Interpret: Johnny Cash and The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
Verfügbarkeit: nur noch 3 lieferbar
Veröffentlicht am: 13.11.2020
Artikelnummer: 2247028
ISBN / EAN: 0190759941621

Verfügbarkeit: sofort lieferbar

19,99 €
Inkl. MwSt. , zzgl. Versandkosten


Unerwartet und einmalig: Hören Sie jetzt die Kult-Hits der unvergessen Country-Legende begleitet vom Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. Mit Werken wie: I Walk the Line, Flesh and Blood, Ring of Fire, I came to believe und viele mehr! Sichern Sie sich jetzt Ihr persönliches Exemplar!


Interpret Format Audio-CD
Anzahl der Medien 1 CD Titelanzahl 12
Spielzeit / Länge 39 Min.

Weitere beliebte Produkte


1 Johnny Cash and The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra / Cash, Johnny Man In Black - with The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra - 03:19 Min.
2 Johnny Cash and The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra / Cash, Johnny Galway Bay - with The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra - 03:02 Min.
3 Bob Dylan & Johnny Cash and The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra / Dylan, Bob & Johnny Cash Girl from the North Country - with The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra - 04:45 Min.
4 Johnny Cash and The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra / Cash, Johnny I Came to Believe - with The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra - 03:43 Min.
5 Johnny Cash and The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra / Cash, Johnny A Thing Called Love - with The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra - 02:34 Min.
6 Johnny Cash & June Carter Cash and The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra / Cash, Johnny & June Carter Cash The Loving Gift - with The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra - 02:25 Min.
7 Johnny Cash and The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra / Cash, Johnny I Walk the Line - with The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra - 03:13 Min.
8 Johnny Cash feat. Duane Eddy and The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra / Cash, Johnny Farther Along - with The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra - 03:56 Min.
9 Johnny Cash and The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra / Cash, Johnny Flesh and Blood - with The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra - 02:27 Min.
10 Johnny Cash and The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra / Cash, Johnny The Gambler - with The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra - 03:42 Min.
11 Johnny Cash and The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra / Cash, Johnny Ring of Fire - with The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra - 02:46 Min.
12 Willie Nelson, Waylon Jennings, Kris Kristofferson, Johnny Cash and The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra / Cash, Johnny / Ne The Highway Man - with The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra - 03:24 Min.
# 1 Interpret  Titel

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