Management and Resolution of Conflict and Rivalries in Renaissance Europe Jill Kraye, Jill Kraye, … + 14 weitere 55,00 €
Mathematik in Sprachen Europas - Mathematics in Languages of Europe Magdalena Lisiecka-Czop, Katarzyna Sztandarska, … + 6 weitere 50,00 €
Central and Eastern Europe after the First World War Piotr Juszkiewicz, Burkhard Olschowsky, … + 2 weitere 34,95 €
Management der akuten Lungenembolie Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kardiologie, European Society of Cardiology 12,50 €
Europe's Crises and Cultural Resources of Resilience Imke Polland, Michael Basseler, … + 2 weitere 42,50 €
Spaces of Care - Confronting Colonial Afterlives in European Ethnographic Museums Wayne Modest, Claudia Augustat 39,00 €
Normalisation re-visited: Drugs in Europe in the 21st century James Morgan, Thomas Friis Søgaard, … + 1 weiterer 20,00 €
Entanglements and Transfers: Socialist East-Central European Actors as Co-Producers of Socio-Economic Globalization Processes Zsombor Bódy, Uwe Müller 27,00 €
Design of Steel Plated Structures with Finite Elements ECCS - European Convention for Constructional Steelwork 55,00 €